The Blog

The humble beginnings of my personal blog. Here you can follow my journey through the world of coding. Hopefully, like me, you learn something along the way.

React Icon over the Mac Terminal

neovim logo floating over a terminal window showing neovim

NeoVim Made Me Fall in Love With Tech

NeoVim is more than just another evolution of Vi. It's a philosophy that technology should adapt to the user, not the other way around. This served as a reminder of what initially made me fall in love with tech. With the right tools, we can not only recover lost passion but also push our boundaries and redefine what’s possible.

8 minute read
use react workers

React Web Worker Utilities for Frontend Performance

Use React Workers: A solution to transcend JavaScript's single-threaded limitations. Leveraging the Web Worker Web API, this package helps offload resource-intensive tasks to a dedicated background thread. These tasks can be executed in parallel, preserving the responsiveness of the user interface and ensuring smooth operation of other tasks on the primary thread.

6 minute read

Building a Spotify widget using Electron

Some of the failures and successes that go with creating a small Electron app utilizing the Spotify Web API. Overall, this was a super fun (and useful) project. The main tech stack for this project was Electron, Vite, SolidJS, and Typescript.

9 minute read
A rubber ducky over passing unit tests

Rubber Duck Debugging

Have you ever heard of the term "rubber duck debugging"? It's a quirky name for a simple but powerful technique used to solve software problems. The concept is simple: by explaining your code line by line to a rubber duck (or in my case, a bobblehead dog), you can often identify and resolve errors.

2 minute read

My first VS Code extension

A minor walk through the process behind how I made my first VS Code extension, React Lazify, a lazy way to create lazy imports. The process was actually a lot easier than I expected and it gave me a bit more respect for Microsoft.

6 minute read

Upgrading from Next.js 12 to Next.js 13 and some quirks

I made the recent jump from Next12 to Next13 and these are some of the things that I learned along the way with the new Next Link, Image, and @next/font google font loader.

6 minute read

Reducing your NextJS javascript bundle size with the bundle analyzer

A quick exploration and overview of the NextJS bundle analyzer and how it can be used to analyze (obviously )and reduce the bundle size of your applications.

3 minute read
The typescript logo

When should you start learning Typescript?

Everyone (hopefully) knows that you shouldn't be learning a bunch of different languages at the same time. But what about Javascript and Typescript? Is it the same thing?

3 minute read
Light colored style tile for this site

This is a just a test blog. You don't want to read it.

I will eventually delete this. But right now I am leaving it live as I start writing blogs. That way, at least potential employers/clients can see how I created this blog.

3 minute read